today we are going shopping at Harrods. Harrod's is the most famous and most expensive store in London.
You have 1000 Euros to spend. With this money you must buy:
- 3 presents for 3 family members (pets included)
- 2 presents for 2 different people in the class.
- 1 present for a friend not in the class.
- 1 present for a teacher
Then for each item that you buy you will write a sentence explaining who you buy each present for and why you chose that present for that person.
At the end of your shopping you must have no more than 50 Euros left.
Because all items are presented in GBP / British Pounds, you will need to convert the prices to EUR / Euros (use the links below)
Harrods store
currency conversion site
Process for your task.
´1. Copy the following table and complete as you shop.
Cost in
Cost in
Total money spent
_______ Euros
Total Euros left
2. Now write six sentences explaining you choice of presents. Please, follow this format:
I bought …..(Present)…. for ….(person)… because….
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