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jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019


Dear Santa, I hope you are well and I imagine you are really busy these days.

I want to ask you for a  present for my students in 2nd A/C/D.

They have been really good  all of them (almost) and I would like you to give them a book that we are going to read next term. These are the details:


All about the USA.

AUTHOR: Emily Winston

ED. Burlington

Resultado de imagen de all about the usa burlington

I'm sure you can find it in the Moralzarzal bookshops or online, and also you can ask students in 3rd year to share their copy with my students.  There are a few copies in the school library, but not enough for everyone.

Thank you vey much and I hope you have a fantastic and energetic Merry christmas and a restful 2020.

Best wishes,

Flori Tijera 

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