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domingo, 7 de enero de 2018


Let's talk about christmas

Interview your partner about his/her christmas holidays.

  1. Did you go away?

  1. What activities did you do (away or here)?

  1. What did you eat?

  1. Which presents did you get? Which one did you love? Which one did you not like so much?

  1. How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve?

  1. Did you do any homework? Study? Did you read anything?

  1. Did you give any presents? Which? To whom?

  1. Did you enjoy?

  1. What was the best and the worst?

  1. Can you tell me a wish and a new year resolution for 2015?

     11 Are you happy to be back?

write your new year's resolutions. Remember to use I'm going to.... or I will:................

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